
by F.S.C Inc.



Long-term care facilities and jointly developed, new and best reflect the voice of the field staff care record app

介護スタッフのための新アプリ難しい操作は一切不要、現場スタッフに時間と心にゆとりを!どこでも誰でも簡単に介護記録・スマホやタブレットでどこにいてもすぐ記録・スタッフにわずらわしさを感じさせない簡単操作で導入もスムーズ・チェック表や介護記録への転記は不要ポケットに大量の介護記録を入れて持ち歩き・食事、水分、バイタル測定等、利用者のケア状況を手元ですぐ確認・記録はすぐに確認できるので、申し送りもスムーズにNew app for nursing staffDifficult operation is not required at all, the room in time and mind to the field staff!Anywhere anyone easily care record- Smartphone and wherever you are immediately recorded in the tablet- I do not feel the burden to the staff introduced in easy operation also smooth· Posting to check tables and nursing care record is unnecessaryCarry put a lot of care recorded in the pocket- Meals, water, vital measurement, etc., confirmed immediately at hand a care situation of the user• Since the recording can be confirmed immediately, even smooth Moshiokuri内部的な修正を行いました。機能的な変更はありません。